Neals Yard

A few people have asked me why I started selling Neal’s Yard.  First and foremost I am the worlds worst sales woman, you won’t find any crazy instagramming over here.  Yes I will share my favourites on the grid and in my stories, but that is because I love them, not because im selling them!

I was first drawn to NYR by their reusable packaging (always a plus in this throw away age) and the fact that I was looking a high-end product for my medi-pedi treaments at work and this stuff ticked all the boxes for me.  I signed up as a consultant mainly because I thought why not, the kit was amazing and I got far more product than my initial outlay and through NYR I have met and connected with the most amazing bunch of ladies.

A few people have asked me to share my most have products so here they are:

  • White Tea Facial Mist – the best toner and amazing skin saviour in the hot weather we had during the summer
  • Wild Rose Beauty Balm – cleanser, moisturiser, skin soother the all round wonder balm in my eyes, this beauty has 101 different use and is perfect for those super dry areas like elbows, knees and heels!
  • Bee Lovely range, there isn’t one item in this range that I don’t love, the handwashes are lovely and best of all they come in plastic bottles so perfect for those of us who might have little hands using them and are worried about the glass getting broken.

So there you have it the reason I joined Neal’s Yard, if you have any questions, shoot my an email or drop me a DM via instagram and I will get back to you ASAP if you want to shop any of the products the link to my shop is below.

Shop Neal’s Yard

Laura xx